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Introducing electric vehicles (EVs) is new territory for many businesses. WEBFLEET can help you get the most value from electrification.

    Electric Vehicle (EV) adoption is gathering pace. Many businesses are looking and EVs to help cut costs and carbon emissions. Find out how to use them in your fleet in an optimal way.

    Why should I introduce EVs into my business?

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    Lower running costs than internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles

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    Financial incentives from governments and cities

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    Greater amounts of vehicle data to improve performance

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    Simpler and cheaper maintenance

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    Reduced carbon footprint to help you achieve your sustain­ab­ility goals

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    The chance to be a market leader by adapting quickly to the techno­lo­gical shift

    I want to add EVs to my fleetYour journey to electrification

    Plan for an electric future
    It’s a matter of when—not if—your business fleet will need to make the electric transition. Switching to an electric fleet represents an organ­isa­tional change and calls for careful, systematic planning to ensure business needs are met, cost savings are optimised, and disruption is minimised. We’re here to help.

    fleet manager at computer showing webfleet system
    ev report feature

    Take the first step in electri­fic­ation
    Thinking about adding EVs to your fleet but not sure where to start? A fleet review and EV feasibility assessment is the first step in the planning process. Our Fleet Electri­fic­ation Report will evaluate your current fleet and recommend which vehicles could be replaced with an electric model.

    Establish your business case
    Start by calculating prospective Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) savings – they can be lower than their diesel equivalents thanks to significant savings in everyday running costs. You should also consider financial incentives from the government, CSR, the PR and reputa­tional benefits and meeting customer expect­a­tions.

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    ev charge

    Devise an electri­fic­ation strategy
    Set out your action plan. You should prepare for EV procurement, ready your drivers and work out charging matters. You’ll also need operational planning and support. Fleet management solutions can help not only the transition to EVs, but their ongoing management.

    I want to manage my EVs betterYour journey to electrification

    Manage all vehicles in one platform
    Already have EVs in your fleet? With WEBFLEET, you can monitor your electric, plug-in hybrid and petrol-powered vehicles from one interface. Our EV fleet management solution supports many market-leading EVs, including 100% of Europe’s top 10 most-sold passenger EVs in 2021.

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    charging stats

    Get the most out of your EVs
    WEBFLEET’s EV fleet management solution brings together all the tools you need. You can:

    • Plan jobs based on EV battery levels
    • Check real-time charging information
    • Get battery alerts and adapt quickly
    • See EV charging points clearly on your map

    Maximise your cost savings
    When deployed correctly, EVs can lead to substantial savings. Not only do electric fleets have a lower cost per mile, EVs also have lower maintenance costs due to fewer moving parts. With data insights, you can optimise routing to improve EV workflow and reduce charging on the way, cutting costs even further.

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    carbon footprint

    Achieve your sustain­ab­ility goals
    Connected EV data has a pivotal role to play when it comes to tracking your sustain­ab­ility goals. Telematics can harness the intel­li­gence needed to help you make smart decisions and unleash your electric fleet’s full potential. For example, with full visibility over EV battery status, you can set more sustainable charging practices and optimise EV usage.

    Electric vehicle getting charged on electrification guide

    An Electrifying Journey

    A Step-by-step fleet guide to making the electric van transition.

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